Intuitively & Peacefully
    Manage Your Money

    I help creative, visual, non-numbers oriented people utilize technology to Heal,
    Declutter, track and plan Money with ease.

    [Leveraging financial management Apps
    like YNAB You Need a Budget, Google Sheets,etc]

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    Clarity & Peace of Mind

    Dealing with the money stuff has been on your "To Do" list but keeps getting put on the back burner...

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    Get on Top of Bills

    Have some Big financial decisions to make and need a handle on what your real spending budget is?

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    Plan for Retirement

    Want to know what you can spend in Retirement? or perhaps clear up some debt and be able to save for a pampering beach vacation

  • Do any of these sound familiar to you?

    • You have heard of the YNAB App.
      Intuitively know it could work for you.

      You tried it on your own.
      It was very confusing and you are ready to give up
    • You have no clear plan for your money and don’t know how to fit all the pieces together --from bills to all the “Other” stuff
    • You find it difficult to find the time, energy  and motivation to work on your finances
    • You're confused by all the different options out there.
  • Begin your step-by-step plan
    for reaching your financial goals
    in 2024 and beyond.

  • Who is it for?

      • Non-number entrepreneurs to make money-management their strength
      • The more Free Spirited Artistic Soul who would rather be painting than calculating
      • Those same souls in trying to prepare for taxes or catch up on back taxes.

        Free spriited entreprnuers, soloprenuerers who need a simple way to manage money, prep for taxes, retirement, life events like divorce or bankruptcy.

      More Visual/Color/ Space vs Math oriented people

        • You can and will get YNAB. I know it. And it will benefit your brain and budget beautifully. I just takes a bit of a different approach.
        • Family member(s) with you!
          It is easier and more fun to champion finances together.
      1. The Free Spirited Creative Soul can see their Money clearly too


        Married to the opposite?

        This tech can Bring you together allowing you both to see your finances and work as one.

      2. Go from financially overwhelmed to clear and Content

          • Make Money-Management a creative strength
          • Provide solutions for a “lived in” budgeting experiencing
          • Eliminate overwhelm by creating a plan based on where you are


          Make Budgeting a Joyful Habit

            • Make a Debt Pay Down Plan
            • DeClutter your Money and Access to More Resources when You Need Them.
              (They were not visible under the clutter)
            • Prioritize the experiences in life that matter the most
            • Take the complicated out of budgeting
          1. Go from financially overwhelmed to clear and content

            Make Money-Management a creative strength

            Take the mystery out of cash flow

            Utilize tools that factors in where your money’s been
             to guide where your money will go

            Feel empowered by a
            user-friendly experience for creative minds

          2. Setting up and sticking to a budget,
            paying off your debt, reaching your goals and more.

          3. The Beautiful Budget Bee Course will allow you to...

              • Have a safe place to dip your toe into sorting out the financials bit by bit.

              • Adventure into using simple tools to help clarify, track and clear up and organize the money stuff

              • Have clarity what you can spend in Retirement or on a House


              Making Cash Flow – a WOW experience!

                Take the mystery out of cash flow.

                • Make the rest of your life mysteriously more joyful!

                • Eventually clear up some debt and be able to save for that pampering beach vacation


                "Remember you are enough. I believe in you.

                Keep working towards your goals"

              2. Tax Prep/Catch up

                Help you get the info your Accountant needs

                • Download, Track your expenses and income so you know whats been happening
                • Organize finances in a visually accessible format
                • Utilize tools that factors in where your money’s been to guide where your money will go

                Track what you spent in the past to present to get the most deductions

                • We will help you download and get the transactions
                • Organize the information in a format your Accountant can easily read
                • Set you up with automations so next year and the year after is a breeze.



              3. Empowered Recovery from Bankruptcy

                and other Life Events

                Help you utilize the tools you need to move forward confidently

                • Download, Track your expenses and income so you know whats been happening
                • Organize finances in a visually accessible format
                • Utilize tools that factors in where your money’s been to guide where your money will go

                With this new mindset you will be confident in your ability to move forward

                • We will help you download and get the transactions
                • Organize the information in a format your Accountant can easily read
                • Set you up with automations so next year and the year after is a breeze.



              4. Budgeting/Spending Plan

                Help you See the Path Forward

                  • Navigate and utilize budgeting tool to holistically adjust spending habits
                  • Organize finances in a visually accessible format
                  • Utilize tools that factors in where your money’s been to guide where your money will go

                  What will happen in this time together:

                    • We will set up a quick budget
                    • Organize finances in a visually accessible format
                    • Automate data input from previous spending history



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                    1 on 1 Customized Appointments-


                    For your personal situation and learning style

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                    Courses, Classes, Group Courses, DIY

                    ~ Step by step learning

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                    The BEE & Coworking & Community

                    Facebook Group


                    Being a part of a small community has been a big part in my beautiful budget journey.
                    Knowing I am not alone.


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                    Accountability and Tracking



                  2. 2 Ways you can join us

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                    Beautiful Budget Consult Session

                    ( If not a member)

                    1 on 1 Appointments

                    Personalized for you

                    Customized Help






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                    DeClutter Money Makeover Monthly

                    1 on 1 Personalized Appointment

                    + Weekly Co-Working Sessions


                    + Community

                    Stop when you need to


                    $57 / a month

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                    Beautiful Budget BEE

                    ( If not a member)

                    + Weekly Co-Working Sessions


                    + Community

                    Stop or Start when you need to

                     $17 / a month


                    Handling Money Shouldn’t Be a Mystery
                    Only for Mathwhiz guru's

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                    Hello! I can relate...

                    Hi I'm Anita, glad you are here


                    For many of us the mess that is money in our lives feels a lot like the mess that is clutter in our homes or digital lives. In a word-- overwhelming. So we avoid it like the plague.

                    When I started dealing with my money alot of it had receipts everywhere, or nowhere to be found. A pile in a box. Unopened mail. I was staying alive, eating, paying rent but not clear on what I was spending.

                    I couldn't tell you how much I spent on food per month or what my electric bill was. If you asked my what I spent last month it would be a blank look. I was in debt by thousands of dollars and although I had a job --had know idea why.

                    I was surviving and but desired to be thriving. My money decluttering like my home decluttering has been a journey.

                    the greatest discovery I made was that I could not do it alone. But even better than that was that which I dreaded was actually FUN as well as do-able with other people.

                    Thats why we not only gain knowledge, we actually have a community for support in taking action and getting it done! And someone to celebrate the victories with!


                    You have money (It doesn’t matter how little or how much) but don’t know how to get it all together in a format that you can easily see so know where you are at and where you are going.


                    I will help you feel connected to your money.

                    Know where you are at. Know how to move forward.

                    I know the frustrations that come with trying to manage your money and figuring everything out on your own and it taking years to get it together. Possible stopping & starting and costly oversights and mistakes that are made in the meantime.


                    I've also worked it from the emotional and spiritual side of money, Decluttering, . Abundance, debt, a little or a lot. I understand and relate to the angst and difficulties surrounding money. Whether it's tracking or planning technical or emotional.


                    Hope you come and join us in the BEE Life.




                    Anita is a non-math whiz, designer techy artist who enjoys teaching technology for over 20 years. she worked on budgets as a Product Designer on Microsoft Money to her own personal budgets from pen & paper. spreadsheets, to Quicken to the latest online tech like YNAB (You Need a Budget).

                  5. What Others are Saying

                    Carol & Jim


                    Course has been helpful and very good at addressing personal questions.

                    Kerry Lee


                    "Going to Anita's Budgeting Bee & Tea sessions are kind of like getting a work out in. I am not usually in the mood however I am always very happy I went afterwards. And it doesn't matter what you wear or how your hair looks! ha."


                    Business Entrepreneur

                    Anita's ability to assess each individual users needs and then provide coaching and guidance is valuable, beyond words. Her passion to help you see the value in YNAB comes through when she helps you have those "lightbulb" break through moments.


                    Recent College Grad & Business Woman, Entreprenuer

                    Amazing teacher and support

                  6. Testimonials

                    As you go through this enriching process.

                    Budgeting for Retirement

                    "I'm Eric klein and my wife and I have are in the fortunate position really to be retiring

                    But we're also in that precarious position of needing to figure out exactly how to stay comfortable in retirement and Anita is guiding us through this amazing educational process of getting our ynab world together. And I could not have done this without her. It's like literally would not have happened.

                  7. Now they Actually have Fun Working on Budget together :)

                    Carol and Jim set up Date nights now and have fun.

                    Carol: " We would laugh instead of argue, that's nice and is nice"

                  8. Questions?

                    Feel free to reach out and communicate
                    I'm here to support you in Decluttering Finances and bringing the peace the order brings 
                    (and will respond within 24hours)